I'd like to start off today by saying something. I have decided that I will not participate in NaNoWriMo this year. I am simply too busy, and it's not realistic that I'll actually get it done. I will still attempt to speedwrite as much as I can on a specific story in the month of November, but I will not attempt the 50,000 words that NaNo asks for. If you doubt that I am too busy, then just consider the fact that I haven't been posting in this blog as often because of school. I will hopefully be involved in my school's fall play during the months of October and November, so that would create an added burden that would hinder me from being a WriMo.
So there. As for today's post, I have another set of questions from my blogging partner which all promise to be humorous, so without further ado, I shall begin. Actually, there is a little ado. Firstly, my blogging partner has promised "bonus points" if I make her laugh. As to what these mysterious "bonus points" are, I have no idea. Second, I wanted to tell you all that in my Creative Writing class, we have progressed to the Sci-Fi genre. My Sci-Fi short story will be posted in its entirety once it is finished next week.
Question Number 1: Why is a raven like a writing desk?
Apparently this is some kind of famous Alice in Wonderland joke/riddle, but I wouldn't know. I've never read the book or seen either of the movies. According to the author of the book, he did not intend for it to have any answer at all, but many people with too much time on their hands have devised possible answers. One is "Because Poe wrote on both," but I find that to be a bit too simple. Lewis Carroll's (the author's) answer is "because they can produce a few notes, though they are very flat, and it is never put with the wrong end in front." That's all I'll say about that.
Question Number 2: If a quiz is a quizzical, what is a test?
First of all, a quiz is not a quizzical. What the hell is a quizzical, anyway? Now, many of you are expecting to hear the good old "Well, it must be a testicle! Hardy har har." But that's not my answer. If you look closely at the letters, it shows that they add "ical" to the end of "Quiz" and they double the last letter of the base word. So a test would be correctly called a testtical. Or tesstical if you would anglicize it. Completely different from a single testicle.
Question Number 3: If the world suddenly became a theocracy, what major world religion would you choose? Why?
I have the power to choose the ruling class for the entire world? Holy ballsack. You all already know my views on religion, if you've been reading my blog so far. So, with that in mind, I'd probably choose one of those religo-philosophies instead of a strict religion. With that being said, I'd totally pick Buddhism. It's the most popular of the philosophies, and they seem pretty chill.
Question Number 4: What would your parents do if you were pregnant/got your girlfriend pregnant?
Hmm. Let's take this question apart one bit at a time. First, let's look at "What would your parents do". My parents are pretty harsh. So in other words, if I get an A-, I'm in the dog house. Next, let's look at "if you were pregnant". I am a male, so I can't get pregnant. Okay. That was easy enough. Lastly, let's look at "got your girlfriend pregnant." This would be impossible for two reasons. A: I don't have one :'( B. I lost my penis in a tragic genital accident. I was streaking through the vibrant streets of Fairport Harbor, and suddenly a motorcycle zoomed by me and some chick grabbed my dick and ripped it clean off. So there.
Question Number 5: Are you writing the one-act this year?
First, this answer needs some background info. Every year, my school does a student produced one-act at the end of the year, and I am probably going to be the one in charge of that. So yes, I will be presumably writing the one-act this year. As to what it will be about, I do not know. The entire creative process for that will be posted on this blog.
Question Number 6: Are you going to make me read your dumb blog to get your answers?
Excuse me, but I don't have a dumb blog. Only a good one. And does it count if you're reading this as I type it, Meg? Hmm...
Question Number 7: What is behind that sexy black box?
This question is completely confusing if you don't have a picture to go along with it, and I can't take one right now. So the last question will be answered next time. See ya! (No questions next post)
While I understood your desire to participate in the school plays with your friends, I am somewhat disappointed that you did not try to do NaNo in 2011. And from what I have seen on your FB posts, you didn't do it in 2012 either.
ReplyDeleteIs writing something that you want to do...or not?? All writers get blocked from time to time. But it seems that you lack a certain amount of focus and dedication to the art. You start some things that have potential, but then you either get bored or don't know where to go next.
Maybe it is that you are simply spread too thin, especially now that you are in college and need to concentrate on your studies and your grades.
But why wait for November 2013? Use your 2012 Christmas break to run your own NaNo and force yourself to write something decent with 50,000 words. It might be a great way to hone your writing skills, rather than playing Skyrim 24/7 :)
As for the questions, I really don't have much to add. Some of them are rather silly...like #1.
#2 - I will say that, while a quiz is not a quizzical, quizzical is a word and does have its own meaning:
And the word test comes from the Latin word Testum, which somehow you are going to twist into Scrotum...and a Twisted Scrotum not only hurts but would make a great name for a Band :)
#3 - Because Buddhists are pretty chill? Yeah, that's a good reason to choose a religion...
#4 - Now that you and Molly are a serious item and are adults in the eyes of the Law and the Lord, I would be very interested to see you touch base on this question again, specifically the part about getting Molly pregnant...
#5 - I will wait to read your blog to see if you wrote the one-act in 2011.
#6 - ...
#7 - Still to come...