Sunday, October 9, 2011

Character Profile #2 and Story Changes

Today I introduce a second character. This character is different than the one that I originally intended, and so he changes the entire storyline that I painstakingly typed out in my children's story post. I will meld together the story changes with this second character. Keep in mind that the story changes apply only to "The Touch of Fear" which is Stephanie's story. This character will also have a seperate story of his own.

Name: Robert Brown

Meaning of Name: I'd like to mention an extraneous detail and say that Robert and Stephanie are still related characters, and they both have English heritage. Now that that's out of the way, Robert is a name that means bright fame in German. I take that to mean that Robert is one of those popular, charismatic guys. He has spent his entire life essentially getting whatever he wants because he is so likeable. He's the guy that everybody wants to be every day. The last name Brown really isn't very significant. It is meant to be plain (just like Robert's physical appearance). While Robert is plain, that doesn't detract from the fact that he is every girl's dream guy...because of his personality.

Age: 49 years old. While Robert is not really in his prime anymore, he is still a relatively young man. Normally, people of this age have lost their "coolness" factor. Robert has not. All of his students think of him as one of their own...and that is one reason why Robert still struggles at his job, does not have his PhD, and is not Department Head like Doctor Winters is.

Height: 6 feet tall exactly. Like I said in Stephanie's character profile, I am a short guy, so Robert towers above me. One thing that I forgot to mention is that Stephanie and Robert are half-siblings. They share the same dad (since Stephanie's mom was killed in a pyrotechnic accident) but not the same mom. Why the big age difference? Well, you'll see. Robert is so tall because being tall kind of makes you popular with everyone. It is a sign of physical superiority, which Robert has. It also acts as one of many contrasts between Stephanie and Robert.

Eye and Hair Color: One thing that Robert and Stephanie do have in common is their eyes. They both have powerful blue eyes. Stephanie's eyes are more cold and calculating, while Robert's eyes are sharp and penetrating. They both inherit this trait from their father. Robert's hair is blonde, another symbol of his popularity. Everyone knows that blonde people have more fun, and this is true for Robert as well as for any other blonde person. Keep in mind that every trait that Robert and Stephanie do not share came from Robert's mother.

Character Traits: Gentle. Robert is popular because he is incredibly nice to every person that he meets. When people talk about Robert, the phrase "nicest guy you'll ever know" comes out a lot. His quiet and calm personality traits contrast with Stephanie's abrasive ones. Hard-working. Unlike Stephanie, Robert has to actually put in a lot of work to succeed. He knows that he isn't the cleverest guy around, and he spends many late nights working to be on task. He wasn't always that determined, though... Mean. Robert's only flaw is that his gentle shell can sometimes crack. When it does, he can become downright mean. It doesn't happen often, but the little bit of Stephanie inside of him comes out on occasion. Scared of failure. Because of a certain event that happened in his past, Robert is incredibly frightened that he won't measure up to what people expect of him. Sure, he's incredibly popular, but really he's just a big bundle of unstable nerves.

That's Robert's profile. He was originally supposed to be Stephanie's nephew, but in the development process for his character, he became her half-sibling. He was born when Stephanie was already fifteen, and his mother was a whore. Robert's and Stephanie's father, Mr. Brown, kind of let himself go after his wife died. He spent his money on drinking and prostitutes, and one day, a baby showed up at his door with a note from the hooker who birthed him. From then on, he treated Robert as well as (or better than) Stephanie, and this experience greatly affected his teenaged daughter.

Stephanie comes around 49 years later, however, and sacrifices her job to save Robert's. Robert is accused of killing his wife, but everyone knows that he didn't. His three children are just completely lost without their mom, and they are even more confused when the police says that dear old daddy killed her. Stephanie knows that he didn't do it, but evidence continues to come up against Robert. So she goes to an extreme and tampers with the police records to make it look like Robert didn't do it. She is caught and loses her job, and in the end, it is revealed that he didn't do it after all. One thing to note. The story about her nephew getting drunk at a party is SCRAPPED. This is the new "The Touch of Fear." Sorry to change it on you, but these are the kind of things that happen during planning.

One more thing I'd like to touch on before I end this post. Robert Brown will have his own seperate story as part of this collection, and his will be about the fateful experience that changed him from a cocky young kid into a gentle man who is scared of himself. I'm not sure exactly how that story will work yet, so stay tuned and I'll have something for you eventually. Until next time!

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