Monday, October 24, 2011

Character Profile #3

I apologize for having not posted in a while, and I also apologize for making this post another post about writing. The simple truth of the matter is, I'm running out of planning time, and I'm so busy that my life is kind of falling apart. The first quarter has ended, and I plan on getting my life back during the second quarter. I want to regain the enthusiasm that I had at the beginning of the school year (and the beginning of this blog) and I want to be happy with myself again.
So I will power through with my writing, try to stay awake and get homework done, get organized, and stay focused and on task. I also want to start getting in better shape because everyone knows that a healthy body is the key to a healthy mind. Today, I give you the third character in my story, the student that Robert tells his story too. This character will have his own story as well, which will be coming shortly.

Name: Peter Jenkins

Meaning of Name: Peter is a very versatile name, and it means stone in Greek. I take that to mean that this character is the stereotypical societal male; strong and incredibly hardy, able to handle any situation with grit and other words, like Stephanie. His last name, Jenkins, was used as a sort of pet name in England, where his family is from, and it means "little John". Peter's father's name is John, and his last name kind of enforces the fact that all the members of his family are of small build That doesn't mean he's short, it means he has a thin and weak body.

Gender: Male. He is the typical male, as I've said already, and you'll learn throughout this profile that Peter is kind of a mixture of Stephanie and Robert, with a good amount of originality and differentness thrown in.

Age: 47. He is a bit younger than Robert, but he is a college student. His determination has driven him to return to college to earn a degree and spend the rest of his life doing what he really wants to what that is yet, I don't know. He is also too old to be "cool" and he doesn't have the swag that Robert does. Another note...he is younger than Robert to emphasize the fact that he is slightly inferior to him. Peter is not a "cool" guy, and he also isn't a charismatic college professor.

Height: 5 foot 11. As I mentioned in Robert's profile, I am a short guy. Since Peter is only one inch shorter than Robert (another hint at Robert's superiority) he still towers above me. He is tall, but thin. He kind of hunches over all the time, and his body language suggests that he is very introverted. Don't get me wrong, he is supposed to be one of the most hardy and determined people you'd ever meet, but he looks frail.

Eye and Hair Color: Peter's eyes are colored sea-green. To me, the sea represents a wide-open environment. Peter is a man who has returned to college and is very eager to create new opportunities for himself. His hair is red, just like Stephanie's, to show his passion for life and his desire to get an education.

Character Traits: Charming. Peter, once you get to know him, is an incredibly perceptive individual, and he is very nice. He knows how to get people to like him, but his appearance makes people want to avoid him in the first place. The women that he is interested in dating come in one of two kinds; nice and accepting ones, who eventually learn what a sweet guy he is, and ones that think he's a creeper. The simple truth of the matter is, if Peter was an attractive guy, this second group of women would be attracted to his charm. Since he's kind of ugly, they automatically categorize him as a creeper. Committed. Peter, as I've said countless times, is one of the most determined guys you'll ever meet. He has gone back to college, and you can be sure that he will work his hardest and pass all of his classes with flying colors. Just like Stephanie, however, he can tend to be a bit of a workaholic, and some people think that he takes everything too seriously. Messy. One bad trait about Peter is that he is really disorganized and messy. He does not have a wife or kids, but would like to raise a family. The apartment where he lives now, however, is a total disaster area. He has no organizational skills whatsoever. His style is more impulsive than coordinated. Scared of the dark. Peter is frightened of the dark, and he actually sleeps on his couch where he can still see the streetlights coming through the windows. He is afraid of literal dark, but he is also afraid of the unknown. He doesn't like being mentally inferior to other people, and he is afraid of what he doesn't know. Thusly, while he is looking forward to having more opportunities in college, he is afraid of finding out that he is really behind compared to others.

So there is my third character. I am really running out of planning time, so I'll have to hurry up and plan a story for Peter. That should be up very soon. I will hopefully be posting more often from now on, so there's that to look forward to. This project is really coming together, and I personally can't wait to see my characters come to life. Until next time....

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